High intelligence - which means an IQ above 130 - can be a valuable resource for High-IQ individuals when their good memory performance, quick comprehension, special emotional sensitivity, or understanding of complex contexts can be well integrated into their personal and professional lives.
However, a high IQ alone already represents a deviation from the norm and thus has the potential for High-IQ individuals to feel different in their interactions with others. In social interactions and especially in education and career, this can lead to High-IQ individuals not feeling understood by their environment or their way of thinking and expressing themselves being interpreted or assessed differently than intended. It is not uncommon for their self-image to develop as being "not right" or "strange." Especially in gifted children, a high thirst for knowledge, atypical interests for their age, or a strong grasp of language can lead to a discouraging rather than supportive reaction from their surroundings. Many High-IQ individuals report being labeled as "know-it-alls" or "smart alecks" during childhood and adolescence without understanding why their thirst for knowledge should be seen as wrong or why they shouldn't question facts and contexts. Consequently, High-IQ individuals may develop significant psychological suffering over time, which can manifest in clinically relevant impairments.
We understand the challenges that High-IQ individuals may face in their lives. We offer both testing for high intelligence as well as career guidance and business coaching to support gifted individuals in translating their capabilities into measurable performance in their professional lives. Additionally, since there are few specific resources for High-IQ individuals with psychological or psychosomatic problems, TSAAD also provides a particular psychotherapeutic focus in this area. We aim to provide you with a service that recognizes the significance of your challenges and assists you in discovering and harnessing your giftedness as a valuable resource rather than a burden