Success in negotiation management and dealing with disinformation campaigns often depends not only on purely technical factors but also requires understanding and considering psychological and systemic processes and dynamics in most cases.
Based on our extensive experience in hostile and subversive contexts, we assist our clients in understanding field dynamics, uncovering motivations, hidden objectives, and trajectories of key actors, anticipating, detecting, verifying, and effectively responding to external and internal threats, as well as disinformation and misinformation campaigns. TSAAD helps you understand complex dynamics and disruptive factors, assess and map strategic and motivation-related patterns of interest groups, and even subtle forces, developing conscious and effective countermeasures.
In doing so, we utilize our psychological and psychotherapeutic expertise to consider your own patterns in interactions, preparing you to anticipate foreseeable and detrimental maneuvers and develop alternative or more functional strategies to strengthen your position. TSAAD relies on the latest analytical models and measures from psychology and related disciplines.
TSAAD supports individuals and teams in protecting themselves from undue external influence and disruptive forces within their own organizations. All analytical risk and threat profile assessments follow a holistic and distinct multi-level approach. Based on the evaluation of dynamic risk and opportunity profiles and system dynamics, TSAAD assists in developing tactical and precise negotiation strategies and measures.
For further information about our services in this area, please feel free to contact us.